After taking this photograph, Franklin showed it to her colleague at King's College London, Maurice Wilkins. Wilkins himself was highly respected scientist in x-ray diffusion and optical microscopy, and even helped develop radar technology. After being given this image, Wilkins showed the photo to James Watson. He did so without Rosalind Franklin's knowledge or approval. From this picture James Watson and his colleague Francis Crick were able to discern the double helical structure of DNA. Watson, Crick, and Wilkins would go on to be awarded the 1962 Nobel Peace Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Rosalind Franklin was ineligible because she had died of gynecological cancer 4 years earlier. Deceased individuals are not eligible for the Nobel Prize.
Did Watson and Crick steal this idea from Franklin? Some will say Watson committed theft and plagiarism, some will say he was inspired by Franklin's images. I say that science is a collaborative process and all scientists build upon the data and knowledge scientists before them have found. The worst part of this whole story is that Franklin was not honored with the Nobel Prize and her hard work may fade into obscurity as time passes.